By Martin Norum
03. January 2012, 08:00
Importance of using base exercises in training programs can not be overemphasized. In a perfect world where injuries are not a problem and technical skills are in place, the effect of deadlift always be greater than deadlift.
And squats will always be better than benpress. All exercises have their place and can be used for variety, but you hang securely with the point. Pullups can be seen as the upper body squat. In this article we'll look at how to work progressively towards pullup Success!
shutterstock_46653994.jpgDet most common option for pullups are pulldown. It's machine, with cable and with leg supports that pushes you upward. With all the new fancy devices available today there is almost no one who does the good old (and most effective exercises anymore). That the appliances look great, they do not to effective and useful when results must be operated as soon as possible. I am not an opponent of common pulldown, it's just that they give you less return for the effort you put into training(unless you're able to perform pullups), just as tricep press with cable provides less return compared with the bench press with a narrow grip or dips. Choose pullups above pulldown following reasons.
1. The effect of exercise is far greater – to lift its own weight up over the rod provides better stimulation of the muscle fibers than lifting the same weight down towards the body.
2. Exercise is mentally tougher – Use every opportunity to exercise tough as possible as long as the technique permits. Mental toughness should not be underestimated
3. Exercise is challenging and fun to implement than pulldown
Before we look at effective progressions toward pullups – do not forget that you must do other exercises than just pullups(performed in the vertical plane) to be really strong. In other words, it is important to have support exercises that can underpin progression where you want progress. For backs are following exercises smart to have the program towards your goal of better pullup strength.
– Deadlift
– Forward Lent barbell row
– One-arm rowing over bench
– Baseøvelser for biceps
It's time to learn pullups!
Let's start by clarifying one thing. Pullups = overhandsgep. Chins = underhåndsgrep. Be aware that the exercises are very different and have different requirements for muscle activity and technical points. Progressions shown below can be used for both exercises.
1. Retraksjon av scapula(scapula) fra heng
The first thing we must do is to strengthen the muscles that pull the shoulder blades together. Hang with straight body from the pole and pull your shoulder blades toward each other before releasing back. When you get to 3 set X 10 rep you are ready to roast two. Some people struggle with this movement due to poor control of how your shoulder blades move.
2. Pullups with elastic
Using a bungee manages most to get to some repetitions. Knitting helps most in bottom position because they tighten, but yields on the rise. After undersigned's view, the use of knitting a better option than pullup machine that provides leg support. With elastic verify the movement itself and get the feeling of how a proper pullup should be felt on the body. At regular pullups and chins have to actually rotate the body around the pole, and this requires much more effort and using multiple muscles. With leg support is locked and motion path effects are worse. In cases where large overweight is a problem, and knits are not sufficient assistance can still pullups with legrest be a nice option.
Action: building up to clear ca 8 repetitions with a fixed knit you use every time you exercise exercise. When you manage 8 pieces add on weight. Many people find it strange to put on extra weight in a belt when using knits to make exercise easier. It may look strange, but to improve the load should be increased. Start med 2,5 kg diggers weight belt and increased 2-5 kg each time depending on how heavily it is. Job progressively forward until you have 10-15 kg hanging on his belt and manages 1-3 repetitions. When you get to this you are ready for the next step.
3. Isometric team
Once you've mastered heavy repetitions with elastic it is time to embark on the exercise without any additional equipment. Next progression is to keep a static / isometric position in a given number of seconds.
There are three different points you should keep focused on:
– The top of the exercise(haken over stangen)
– Middle of the exercise(such as 90 graders vinkel i albueleddet)
– The bottom part of the exercise(not stretch completely out, but hold a slight bend in the elbow)
Squeeze your shoulder blades together firmly and hold your body completely steady and controlled in 5-8 seconds in each position.
4. Eccentric training
To increase pullups force should load time followed consciously. After the previous progressions are still some not strong enough to draw their own body weight up with your chin over the bar. Have clear, however progressions so far, you are guaranteed strong enough to train on the eccentric phase. Phase on the way down. You are stronger on the way down than on the way up, which means that this is the way to go when force should be developed quickly. Action: Start with your chin over the bar and hold again EVERYTHING you powers and has. In the long term you should be able to contain the 20 seconds on the way down. It's the same pace as in the clip below. Sight 3 series with 2 repetitions.
5. Your first pullup!
If you have not already clearly a pullup will be able to do so now. When you've got a way forward is fairly simple. To continue to increase, there are many things that can be done, but an easy way to get to 2,3, 4 and multi is to train a lot of exercise. Turn up the volume and try to get to eg 10 pieces in the same workout. Make exercise anytime – between series with other exercises or single exercise. When you start getting into multiple repetitions consecutively you can begin to train a large number of series(4-8) with few repetitions(2-4). Feel the extra weight load in a weight belt between the legs so the video below illustrates. Always increase the load from session to session – either in the form of heavier weights or more repetitions.
Heavy singles is an effective way to progress. Expect good results in terms of strength and muscle mass in the entire upper body.
If you have not already clearly a pullup will be able to do so now. When you've got a way forward is fairly simple. To continue to increase, there are many things that can be done, but an easy way to get to 2,3, 4 and multi is to train a lot of exercise. Turn up the volume and try to get to eg 10 pieces in the same workout. Make exercise anytime – between series with other exercises or single exercise. When you start getting into multiple repetitions consecutively you can begin to train a large number of series(4-8) with few repetitions(2-4). Feel the extra weight load in a weight belt between the legs so the video below illustrates. Always increase the load from session to session – either in the form of heavier weights or more repetitions.
Heavy singles is an effective way to progress. Expect good results in terms of strength and muscle mass in the entire upper body.
& Nbsp;
very nice!
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