Archive for the YoYo-träning Category

Swimmers are among athletes who often experience rotator cuff problems. A newly published paper by Dr.Paula Camargo and co-workers of Federal University of São Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, offers good support for eccentric exercise, and hence nHANCE driven by YoYo Technology, to treat rotator cuff tendinopthay. TheYoYoTM MultiGym and the Squat Classic and Ultimate all possess features allowing for a range of shoulder and rotator cuff exercises.
Excessive mechanical loading is considered the major cause of rotator cuff tendinopathy. Although tendon problems are very common, they are not always easy to treat. Eccentric training has been proposed as an effective conservative treatment for the Achilles and patellar tendinopathies, but less evidence exists about its effectiveness for the rotator cuff tendinopathy. The mechanotransduction process associated with an adequate dose of mechanical load might explain the beneficial results of applying the eccentric training to the tendons. An adequate load increases healing and an inadequate (over or underuse) load can deteriorate the tendon structure. Different eccentric training protocols have been used in the few studies conducted for people with rotator cuff tendinopathy. Further, the effects of the eccentric training for rotator cuff tendinopathy were only evaluated on pain, function and strength. Future studies should assess the effects of the eccentric training also on shoulder kinematics and muscle activity. Individualization of the exercise prescription, comprehension and motivation of the patients, and the establishment of specific goals, practice and efforts should all be considered when prescribing the eccentric training. In conclusion, eccentric training should be used aiming improvement of the tendon degeneration, but more evidence is necessary to establish the adequate dose-response and to determine long-term follow-up effects.
Detta är tycker jag en bra artikel kring Excentrisk träning.
Själv har jag upplevt stora fördelar med träningen med fantastiska resultat.. jag kör till största delen i Yoyo-maskinerna vilka ger mycket bra kontakt med musklerna. Bluebrain som är kopplad till Yoyo mäter wattstyrkan som genereras och det är lätt att få protokoll på utväxlingen av träningen…
& Nbsp;
Nu är den nya avdelningen för Yoyo träningen upplagd på hemsidan: YoYo-training
För djupare kunskap får man gå till huvudsidan för Yoyoträningen
Det Spartan vill presentera är möjligheter och på sidan har vi tagit fram 6 olika paket med förslag på användningsområden där vad vi tror man kan få ut mesta möjliga effekt.
Självklart kan du jobba som du vill med maskinerna och bygga egna uppsättningar för din egen och andras framgång.
& Nbsp;
Hämtat från nHANCE hemsida och blogg kring forskning om muskler och träning
Surprisingly, even as of today researchers, clinicians and coaches erroneously make widely use of the term “eccentric contraction”. In 1988 Prof. Peter Cavanagh (Pictured), Penn State University, wrote a small piece on this subject in the Journal of Biomechanics, challenging this misuse. Here we have selected a few quotes from Prof. Cavanagh.
The word “contraction” – used in relation to muscle activity is so deeply rooted in the literature of muscle biomechanics and muscle physiology that we now use it instinctively in a wide varpiety of contexts – several of which seem to be singularly inappropriate. One example is the term “eccentric contraction” to describe the situition where the net tensile force acting on the muscle is greater than the force produced by the tension generating mechanism of the muscle itself. The net result is that the ends of the muscle tend to move apart rather than together.
The term “eccentrics” derives from the Greek “ekkentros” – “out of center” – while the word “contraction” is derived from the Latin “contrahere” – “to draw together” (Webster’s 1979).
All that said by Prof. Cavanagh and to make a long story short, most experts today agree we should use the term “eccentric action” rather than “eccentric contraction”.
Portos Ricardo Quaresma and Hector Herrera celebrating after a stunning match beating Bayern Munich in the first quarterfinal on their home turf last night! Is the team ready for another upset when the teams reconvene in Bavaria next Tuesday?
Porto is among seven of the eight teams, remaining in competition in quest for the Champion League’s title, who use nHANCE.
In Paris two other teams dedicated to nHANCE driven by YoYo Technology, kicked off. PSG took on FC Barcelona. The Catalans cruised to a rather easy 3-1 win, that had a spectacular goal by Barcas Luis Suarez!