Today on the show we’ve got Jason Leydon on the podcast. Jason Leydon is the head crossfit coach and owner at Crossfit Milford in Connecticut. Jason is the head coach for the professional fitness team, the Philly Founders and has a really smart approach to programming. Jason is also a proponent of the functional movement screen and recently attended a Selective Functional Movement Assessment seminar.
- [2:24] Why we’ve got Jason on the show and Jason’s background
- [6:51] Jason as the head coach of the fitness team Philly’s Founders
- [8:45] Why is smart programming important?
- [14:15] How does programming change from the general population to high level athletes?
- [17:07] How Jason incorporates injury prevention into his programming
- [23:56] How important is volume management for performance and injury prevention?
- [25:56] How do olympic lifts fit into your programming?
- [28:10] Jason’s template for balance with lifts
- [31:10] Should the general population be olympic weightlifting
- [35:33] How does Jason perform assessments in his gym
- [37:50] Jason’s experience with the Functional Movement Screen and challenges with screens in group settings
- [40:10] How do we periodize over the course of the year for our athletes?
- [41:49] Jason on scapular stability
- [43:44] Jason’s favorite and least favorite exercises
- [50:10] How much time goes into writing great programming?
- [51:53] The most important part of the show
Jason’s Gym Crossfit Milford
Power Monkey Fitness Camp
Paused Squats are Still Terrible Regardless of what Jason Says,
Dan Pope DPT, CSCS
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very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado