I spoke recently at power monkey camp with therapist Dave Tilley in Crossville Tennessee. He was a big advocate of creating a spectrum of exercises in order to improve someone’s movement. In other words, he didn’t believe that solely lying on a foam roller would yield the best carryover to your push jerk. You’re probably missing some steps in between.
A better system might:
An example for someone with a crummy handstand because of limited wrist mobility would be:
- Wrist mobility drills x 10/side
- Active wrist extension in quadruped x 5-10 per side
- Forward Crawling x 5-10 steps / side
- Handstand Specific Work
What’s important in this example is that we’re mobilizing what needs mobility, reinforcing it with motor control exercises and then using lower level exercises that utilize that same range of motion. What’s important to note is that the exercise we chose (forward crawls) is very specific to handstands. This element of specificity is extremely important for carry-over into our chosen exercise (handstands). What’s also important is that crawling is generally a bit less challenging and complex then a handstand. Therefore our patient / athlete can put there efforts into using and learning their new range of motion instead of worrying about busting their head when they’re upside down.
For the kipping pull-up we may have an individual with limited overhead movement and subsequent poor technique. A continuum of exercises to help this athlete might be:
very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado