Start bending bars and setting personal records just by opening up your mind to a few new ideas. …read more
Keep it simple, but keep it hardcore. No gimmicks and no fluff. Clear out the clutter with these 12 principles, then get your butt into the squat rack. …read more
To warm-up, you can roll around like a freshly-clubbed seal on the ice fields of Newfoundland, or you can be smart. …read more
Last month’s training was certainly a doozy. I found that my joints were feeling pretty good, my conditioning is improving and I’m setting new PRs on my oly lifts. New tid bits for this month:
- I found myself splitting up the training days quite a bit last month. Instead of continuing with this trend I’ve instead broken the week into either 4 or 5 days and a deload on the 5th week.
- I’ve also split the squat snatch and squat clean days into 2 separate days so it appears that there is more squatting throughout the week but the volume is the same.
- There is much more “optional” work incorporated into this month. For those who just want to be healthy and have fun, the optional workouts are just that, optional. Don’t feel compelled to attempt this extra work. If you’re more competitive, the optional work will really help you out.
- I added in extra strength/accessory work this month, let me know what you think
Click HERE for this month’s programming
Time to squat,
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P.P.S. If you’re doing this program and have some feedback (love it, hate it, think it’s the worst program you’ve ever seen) please leave a comment below. I read everything, answer all emails and take everyone’s feedback into account.
Torch fat and retain muscle. Attack your conditioning like a predator. Don’t run from it like prey. …read more
It isn’t necessary to eat six small meals a day to build muscle. Instead, you need to practice protein pulsing. …read more
Drop tubs of lard off your waistline while maintaining or even gaining lean mass with weight training circuits. …read more
Not genetically blessed? Here are the most proven workouts for those with lagging or non-responsive biceps. …read more
With EDT, sets and reps don’t matter. Just pick two exercises, set your stopwatch, and go to town! …read more
Structured routines are best, but sometimes you need to give yourself a challenge to see what you’re made of. …read more
very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado