Here’s a unique warm-up that uses just the barbell instead of bodyweight drills, foam rolling, or mobilizations. …read more
Give your body a break from traditional squats and deadlifts and smash your wheels with this growth-inducing plan. …read more

Well 2013 has been a great year for me and for the site. Last year I picked an arbitrary number of hits I’d like to have on my site over the course of the year. I wanted 100,000 total. I had no idea if this was good but decided to set a goal and go for it. I ended up falling horribly short by the year’s end.
Fast forward one year. Now fitnesspainfree gets almost 100,000 hits per month. My newsletter started with just my mom and now is well over a thousand. I’m incredibly grateful and excited by all of the people who use the site and gain insight from the content. Thanks to everyone for reading and here’s to another successful year!
Here are the most popular posts written in 2013 in order of popularity (#1 is most popular):
10) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) Certification and Exam Review
My review of the CSCS examination and certification
9) 10 Critical Principles Physical Therapists Need to Know About Crossfit for Successful Rehabilitation
Only a few weeks old and already gaining a lot of ground. Hopefully this sheds some light on rehabbing crossfitters.
8) 6 Common Causes Of Knee Pain and How to Fix Them – Part 1
This series of articles was very popular and probably should serve as a sign to start writing more about the knee!
7. Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) Level 1 Course Review
Big fan of Gray Cook and what he has properled forward with the movement revolution. i use the SFMA on a daily basis.
6) 3 Reasons that Kipping Pullups are Causing Injuries
This series of articles landed me in crossfit head quarters chatting about pullups with some smart fellows.
5. Why Is Overhead Pressing Hurting My Lower Back?
Deadlifts aren’t the only thing that can leave your back …read more
Are you getting hung up on improving technique when you should be just concentrating on getting stronger? …read more
Doing a back workout once a week isn’t going to cut it. You need to crush it and crush it hard several times a week. …read more
At last, the definitive answer to the age-old question of whether direct arm work is really necessary for big guns. …read more
A deadlift variation as old as the barbell that will pack on mass and kick up your pulling power. …read more
The hip hinge is the single most-important movement pattern for squats and deadlifts. Can you even do them correctly? …read more
Time to spread some holiday cheer. Or, in this case, a little hardcore motivation. …read more
Shock your body into building more muscle in just two weeks using Opposite Training. …read more
very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado