Post-activation potentiation, bottoms-up squats, and smart warm-ups are the keys to a new PR. …read more
For lifters with specific goals, counting calories and macros is a valuable tool. For others, it can become an obsessive habit that derails their long-term progress. …read more
Some time ago I made a video which showed my favorite videos for warming up and practicing the snatch. This week I’ve compiled a video of my favorite warm-up and technical drills for the Clean and Jerk. I do this sequence before doing any clean and jerk work and it really helps get you prepared for the workout. These drills are also excellent to work on the finer points of the lift as well. Check it out:
Give it a try and let me know what you think,
P.S. If you enjoyed this article then sign up for the newsletter to receive the FREE guide – 10 Idiot Proof Principles to Performance and Injury Prevention as well as to keep up to date with new information as it comes out via weekly emails.
The sport of powerlifting is awesome, except for all the not-so-awesome parts. Here are the pros and cons you need to know. …read more
Dips are awesome, but you better learn proper form and how to dose them. Once that’s done, try ring dips, countdowns, combos, and dead stops. …read more
Too often, advanced lifters allow small errors to slip through the cracks of an otherwise tight program. Here’s how to fix them. …read more

Last week I had mentioned that I was lucky enough to have Mike Reinold and Eric Cressey send me an advanced copy of their new product Functional Stability Training for the Upper Body. I’ve learned an incredible amount from these two over the years. If you’ve been reading this site actively you know that I’m a huge fan of self directed learning and a lot of what I’ve learned hasn’t come from a school education. I believe heavily that a huge chunk of my education comes from products like this.
What’s so great about this product is that it blends physical therapy and training, exactly what I’m all about. You’ve got perspectives from both a world class therapist and strength and conditioning coach. There is something for everyone be it therapist, trainer or athlete. A brief outline of what the product covers:
- How posture and position effect upper extremity function
- Understanding and managing joint hypermobility
- Understanding the elbow – Anatomy and common injuries
- Evaluation and management of elbow injuries
- Assessment and management of thoracic mobility restriction, muscle imbalance of the shoulder and scapula, scapular position and epicondylitis
I wanted to let you all know about it because it’s on sale right now until this upcoming sunday. Click the link below to buy or learn more about the product.
Functional Stability Training of the Upper Body
I still can’t get over May Denver snowstorms,
Dan Pope, PT, DPT, CSCS
P.S. If you haven’t already, head over to the fitness pain free facebook page and give us a like, it really helps.
Fitness Pain Free Facebook
The lawyers, the media, and supposedly science are saying that testosterone might kill you. Could they be right? …read more
Each training percentage, from zero to 100% of your 1RM, has a distinct effect on speed, power, and hypertrophy. …read more

The onset of websites like MobilityWOD has built awareness around the benefit of having health care professionals like physical therapists and chiropractors partnering with local boxes. If you’re a gym owner and you aren’t currently teaming up with a local professional, there are a variety of reasons why having one on board is beneficial. Dr. Scott Hoar goes over some of the benefits of these partnerships as well as when to refer your clients out.
The Referral Process
Referring your clients to a trusted medical provider creates options for your clients that want to avoid or treat their injuries. Think of it as your insurance policy toward holding onto your members. There’s no quicker way for a member to freeze or cancel their membership than when they have a significant injury and can no longer wod.
I’m willing to bet that every box owner or trainer reading this has been asked by a member in the past week, “when I do thrusters it hurts (pick a body part). What should I do about that? THIS IS WHEN YOU GET TO TAKE ACTION!
Send them to a medical professional!
When do you refer your clients? When your clients:
What the conversation with your client looks like:
very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado