When getting set to do an exercise, there are only two real decisions you need to make: “How Many Reps Should I Do?” and “How Close to Failure Should I Go?” …read more
Pack muscle on your chest, back, delts and arms in half the time with these challenging combination exercises and finishers. …read more

In Part 1 we went over how to assess hip internal rotation and how it’s an overlooked key to squatting. This week we’ll go over my favorite exercises to correct hip internal rotation deficits. These fit well into a warm-up, cool-down, between sets of an exercise or on a completely different occasion. Enjoy.
If you’ve got IR like me then you need these exercises,
Dan Pope DPT, CSCS
P.S. If you enjoyed this article then sign up for the newsletter to receive the FREE guide – 10 Idiot Proof Principles to Performance and Injury Prevention as well as to keep up to date with new information as it comes out via weekly emails.
Forget warming up with dance moves. Instead, improve stability and range of motion with just a barbell and a dip belt. …read more
The author was sentenced to 10 years in prison. He started lifting to build up his self-esteem and, more importantly, to protect his ass from getting shanked. …read more
A smart fat-loss plan involves prioritizing nutrition, rotating between different metabolic stressors, and using lactate and alactate training methods. …read more

Being able to get into a deep squat is extremely challenging for many people and information on how to improve your squat mobility is sometimes missing a few key points. I’ve covered this topic thoroughly with several exercise demonstrations in many previous posts. One often overlooked but very important keys to a deep overhead squat is having adequate hip internal rotation. If you’re lacking hip internal rotation then when you hit the bottom of a squat your feet will end up spinning out. If you have a client whose feet are always spinning out at the bottom of a squat despite your cueing, then you’re going to be wanting to check hip internal rotation.
Keep in mind that everyone is going to have different shaped hips and varying levels of hip rotation as a result. Some people will naturally have more rotation then others just because of the way their bones are shaped. Things like femoral version, cam and pincer deformities and femoral rotation change from person to person and will likely affect their ability to rotate at the hip.
Because of this it’s important not to stretch through a painful pinching sensation. However, if someone is limited by a capsular or muscular restriction we can work on that. Before you go willy nilly on hip rotation first you’ll need to assess if you’ve got a hip internal rotation problem.
If you’re not hitting 40 degrees on both sides then you’ve got some work to do. Next part we’ll go over my favorites for improving hip internal rotation.
My hip internal rotation is so bad,
Dan Pope DPT, CSCS
P.S. If you enjoyed this article then sign up for the newsletter to receive the FREE guide –
It’s time to see what you’re really made of. These deceptively simple workouts build muscle, burn fat, and increase overall fitness… fast. …read more
Powerlifter, Olympic lifter, and bodybuilder Christian Thibaudeau became a CrossFit athlete for three months. Here are the lessons he learned. …read more
Use irradiated tension with front squats, planks, lateral raises, and split squats to build full body strength and testicular fortitude. …read more
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