Bodybuilding, powerlifting, CrossFit, running: Which one will mess you up the most and how can you prevent it? …read more
Pausing for 2 seconds during specific portions of squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and even cleans and snatches can lead to big improvements in strength and performance. …read more

Two weeks ago I made a video entitled 5-minute overhead mobility. It’s a compilation of my favorite overhead mobility exercises with an assessment and demonstrations with explanations of each mobilization. It’s part of what I’ll use both clinically and with athletes at our gym (Crossfit Verve) during their foundations classes.
This time I’ve done the same with deadlift assessment. Low back pain is an enormous issue globally as well as in the gym. If we can catch people with issues and address these problems before we start loading them then I think we’re taking a step in the right direction.
As I’ve said before, empowering people to address their own limitations is the ultimate goal behind therapy and I’ve made this video partly to educate coaches, trainers and athletes but also to give my patients and clients a reference for some helpful exercises to help them with their limitations. Without further ado:
Benni just set a new world record deadlift too,
Dan Pope DPT, CSCS
P.S. If you enjoyed this article then sign up for the newsletter to receive the FREE guide – 10 Idiot Proof Principles to Performance and Injury Prevention as well as to keep up to date with new information as it comes out via weekly emails.
Bodybuilding and strength training have hundreds of rules you need to follow to make progress. Trouble is, many of them suck. Break them. …read more
Kneeling exercises challenge the abs, power up the hams and glutes, and allow you to do overhead presses without blowing out your spine. …read more
Stimulants can really get you amped up for a tough workout, but do they have other effects as well? Dr. Lowery hooked himself up to fancy lab equipment to find out. …read more

If you read this website regularly you’ll know that I provide a subscription service with a done for you training program for yourself or your gym. I’m a huge fan of programming and feel it is a huge piece of the puzzle when it comes to injury prevention and training success. Having the right plan is pivotal to success and a requirement for reaching your desired goals.
The next 5 weeks of programming is now available! The Fitness Pain Free Coaching program contains:
- 5-days per week done for you program for yourself or for your gym with a specific mobility routine for your off days
- Progressive daily strength, gymnastics, WOD and met-con that fits into a 1 hour block (More if doing the competitive track)
- Learn how to easily screen and assess yourself and your athletes and how to correct these faults
- Warm-ups with mobility specific to the day’s lifting, gymnastics and met-con
- Olympic weightlifting and strength program
- Gymnastics skills work
- Fun and varied daily met-con (With group workouts if you own a gym or have some training partners
- A track for competitors as well as average Joe’s and Jane’s.
- Joint health mobility and injury prevention exercises
To learn more about the Fitness Pain Free Coaching Program click HERE:
I’ve taken your feedback from the past month to tweak things and improve upon the system. Focus for this month:
- Group workouts – I’ve added in some partner WODs for those that have a training partner or are using this for their gym. No Partner? No Problem there are still options for you.
- More emphasis on strength – There is still an in depth olympic lifting program we’re going through this month.
- More tempo work – We’re focusing on technique, skill and building base strength right now.
- More gymnastics options – I love gymnastics work and I’ve got plenty of options for you …read more
CrossFit claims that the NSCA is out to get them. Is it a conspiracy or does CrossFit just enjoy bullying people? …read more
These four finishers will strip off body fat, set your lungs on fire and help you keep on fighting. …read more
No golfers or marathoners on this list of the world’s greatest athletes. No, this is ranking of the freakishly powerful. …read more
very nice!
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from nice
also another nice feedback here, uh uh
posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado