Squats rule, but performing hamstring curls first will make your legs even bigger and your squats even stronger. …read more

Since I’m on a tremendous kipping pullup spree lately I figured I’d just keep it going. Over the years I’ve compiled several corrective exercises (Some mobility drills, some stability drills and some for motor control) that I like to use to improve the kipping pullup. I’ve taken the ones I found most valuable and thrown them into a warmup that’s easy to do, concise and requires very little equipment. These are the same drills I used at Crossfit Tribe when I was coaching there. Hopefully this video will help some people struggling with the kipping pullup and give some coaches a couple ideas to throw into their warmup prior to a big workout with pullups. Without further ado, here it is!
Kipping pullups are like drugs, I can’t stop writing about them,
Dan Pope, DPT, CSCS
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A number of studies have confirmed that betaine is a supplement that quickly helps you lift more weight for more reps. …read more
The most important time to get the right nutrients into your body is around the workout, but breakfast is crucial, too. …read more
Here’s how to combine two or more similar exercises in sequence to save time and maximize strength and hypertrophy. …read more
Are high-rep Oly lifts dangerous? Will they fail to make you strong? Here’s what a variety of experts have to say. …read more
This hardcore advice about training and life for young Jim Wendler might just be the same advice you need to hear right now. So listen up, get fired up, and get to work! …read more
Do you have the forearms of a ballerina? Here’s a simple way to build a pair worthy of respect, admiration, and fear. …read more
Do competitive athletes really need to perform Olympic lifts to be fast and explosive? Not really, says Coach Minor. …read more
Eat smaller meals more often and you’ll get bigger and leaner? Or are larger, less frequent meals the way to go? …read more
very nice!
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posted in Nice & Clean. The best for your blog!from corrado