Archive for the Uncategorized Category
Can you really activate muscles with your mind? According to the author’s research study, a lot more than you realize. …read more
When you’ve got the right goals in your training (and life), all the little things take care of themselves. …read more

This week I get a chance to interview Dr. Dave Tilley. Dave has a very interesting background as a competitive collegiate gymnast, physical therapist and crossfitter. This combo allows for some excellent insight in how to bring gymnastics safely into the fitness realm. Today we discuss:
- [1:50] Introductions, porkchops and Dave’s background
- [6:05] Dave’s website bridging the gap between physical therapy and gymnastics performance
- [8:00] The dilemma between medical professionals and athletes
- [10:24] What are the most common injuries seen in gymnastics and why are they occuring?
- [12:50] How Dave integrates prehab and corrective exercises into his gymnastics programming for injury prevention
- [15:14] Common exercises to fix anterior pelvic tilt and excessive lordosis commonly seen in gymnastics
- [17:55] Dave’s thoughts on adding gymnastics movements into your fitness program and how to safely incorporate them
- [20:05] Dave’s thoughts on crossfit bringing gymnastics into people’s lives
- [21:42] When things go wrong when introducing gymnastics movements into crossfit
- [25:17] Adding gymnastics progressions into your daily training for health
- [27:44] Progressions to string together ring Muscle-ups
- [29:28] Should we be using bands to assist us when learning muscle-ups?
- [35:36] Should we screen clients before we add gymnastics exercises into people’s programs?
- [40:56] The value of spending time working gymnastics skills in the gym
- [43:20] How do we build longevity into crossfit and gymnastics exercises?
- [46:35] How do I plug gymnastics exercises into my program without causing overuse injury given the large amount of variety and unique stress seen in a crossfit program?
- [49:50] More about Dave’s website and where you can lean more about Dave’s work
The Hybrid Perspective – Dave’s Website
Get your handstand on,
Dan Pope DPT, CSCS
P.S. If you enjoyed this article then sign up for the newsletter to receive the FREE guide – 10 Idiot Proof Principles to Crossfit Performance and Injury Prevention as well as to keep up to date with new information as it comes out …read more
I love lifting heavy, but you need a lot more than that to develop the muscular hypertrophy of a bodybuilder. …read more
If your idea of conditioning is doing some treadmill “work,” then try these high-octane fat-burning finishers. …read more
Perform better with corrective work focusing on the five basic human movements, tonic and phasic muscles, and regressions. …read more
Here’s how to use demanding 20-minute workouts to build a strong, powerful body… or die trying. …read more
Master this little trick and even the most intense abdominal exercises will suddenly become way more effective. …read more
A funny thing happens when you try to better yourself: other people try to stop you. They even get offended when you try to improve. Offend them anyway. …read more
Shoulder pressing versus benching, avoiding injuries, the right grip to use, and why you should never miss a rep. …read more